Dispatches from Quarantine:
Young People on Covid-19


Dear Diary,

It feels like I haven’t seen human life in years. My dog has started talking to me, or maybe I’m going crazy. I look outside and wonder if society is close to becoming normal again but then I turn on the TV and see the COVID-19 death toll rising. I remember before school got cancelled, my teacher had the number of cases in Virginia on the board. At the time it was only a few hundred. I look at the numbers now, and it is in the thousands. It is scary wondering if the world will ever be the same again. 

I’ve lost count on what day of quarantine this is, but I do know that everyday feels the same. My days are like a broken record that keeps on repeating, unable to stop. I guess the only good thing to come out of this pandemic is how much I’m learning to cook and how much closer my family is getting. 

Well, until next time. 
Goodbye, Diary.

Dispatches from Quarantine is a collaborative project with the Educators’ Institute for Human Rights: