Dispatches from Quarantine:
Young People on Covid-19

Ava P

My Quarantine Experience

I have been in quarantine since March 13 and it is now May. Time went fast but at the same time it could not have gone slower. It is weird to feel like there is always a fear of getting sick. It’s not myself I am particularly worried about, I mainly worry about my grandparents that live farther away. This can’t last that much longer, right? Events in the summer, months away, have already been canceled. I really hope it will change.

Today, I have done school, school, and more school. It is not all bad, it is just the same thing every day, which I guess is what school is. I didn’t realize how much my friends changed my school experience until they weren't there anymore. Now I am stuck staring at my Chromebook in silence. Cyber school isn’t as bad as I am making it sound. Sometimes it is just hard to follow along with the teachers. But it has its advantages, like a shorter school day.

Thankfully, I am not stuck inside my house. I didn’t realize how fortunate I was that my grandparents live five minutes away from me and on the water. We go there almost every day and it helps and makes us feel less isolated. I have also started to take more notice of the sunset. The days we go over there for dinner, we always admire the sunset. The beautiful colors painted right over the water. Quarantine has definitely helped me appreciate the little things in life.

While quarantine is hard, it has definitely done some incredible things to this world. Incredible, in a good way. For example, since we have been quarantined to our houses every day, I have gotten to spend more time with my family. My brother and I both play travel soccer, so we are both usually gone during the weekends, and one of my parents will take him and the other one will take me. But now that our seasons have been canceled, we have free weekends and it has been nice to spend that time with the family. Our family has even started to take car rides for fun.

Believe it or not, there are some more positives. So many people are turning to God during this hard time and I think that makes this all worth it. In fact, my grandmother has started being a part of an online church community. So if we all have to be quarantined for months, I will happily do it if it means just one person would come to Christ. That is really amazing to me.

At the same time, quarantine is also hard. It’s been a huge change for me to not see my friends at least every other day. I have so much free time now and I am not always sure how to use it. I have been Facetiming my friends, going on runs, swimming, reading, and lots of other things my schedule doesn't always allow me to do. The hardest thing for me this quarantine has definitely been missing school. I did not realize how much I loved it until it was gone, especially my last year as a middle schooler. We missed the last months of school!!! The last months are always the best and I have been looking forward to them for as long as I can remember. The staff has done a great job at trying to keep this year special and it means a lot to me.


Dispatches from Quarantine is a collaborative project with the Educators’ Institute for Human Rights: